Car shampoo

Car shampoo
Car shampoo

Car shampoo

250 ml
(Inclusive of GST)

  • Prevents flash rusting (fine iron dust) on paintwork, plastic, chrome and glass

  • Easy to use thanks to dispensing head
  • GHS05 - CorrosiveGHS05 - Corrosive
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    Material Safety Data Sheet

    Information on possible danger as well as information on first aid measures can be found in the safety data sheet link

    Safety Data Sheet
    Warning Instructions
    GHS05 - CorrosiveGHS05 - Corrosive
    H318 - Causes serious damage to eyes.
    [1] All images shown are for illustrative purposes only and are displayed by way of example. Actual parts and accessories may differ slightly. Please check that the part or accessories’ design, features and technical specifications are available and fit for your vehicle prior to purchase.
    [2] Prices shown are inclusive of GST. Additional costs can result from installation, paintwork or required additional part/accessories. Prices are subject to change. Please confirm final cost prior to purchase.